Current ASTER Scholars Funding Requests

ASTER Funding Requests- All 6 Institutions

ASTER Summer Support

For current ASTER scholars who need summer financial support for housing, unpaid or below minimum-wage internships or research experiences, there will be a summer funding application request. Applicants will need to answer two essay questions (see FAQ below).

Research Supply Funding

To request funds for research supplies, you will need your faculty mentor's contact information, a list of the items you are planning to purchase, and a total budget request amount (i.e., the amount of money requested).

Conference/Professional Development Travel Funding

ASTER scholars who intend to present at or attend a conference can request funds to pay for their travel. To apply you will need a budget of the approximate cost of your trip (e.g., hotel =$150/night for 3 nights; airfare= $350, registration= $500), and a total budget request amount (i.e., the amount of money requested). Additional information in the FAQ below.

Frequently Asked Questions about ASTER Funding Requests

Any current ASTER scholar at University of Kansas, University of Nebraska- Lincoln, Pittsburg State University, Kansas City Kansas Community College, or Johnson County Community College. 

Your stipend is paid directly to you for the work you conduct during the academic year. Supplemental funding is for summer research/internship opportunities, purchasing supplies to carry out your research or work, or to travel to a conference or professional development event. These are distinct from your stipend and will not impact the amount of your stipend. 

Requests can be for housing only (up to $2,500 for full-time, 8+ week, summer experiences that do not pay for housing), stipend only (up to $6,000 for unpaid, full-time, 8+ week summer experiences), travel only (up to $500 at $0.65 per mile), or a combination of the above. 

Applicants for summer funding will need to answer two essay questions: 1) In ~250 words, why have you selected this summer experience and what do you plan to learn from the program?, 2) In ~250 words, what products or learning outcomes do you expect at the end of this program? Examples include (but are not limited to): presenting research, developing prototypes, gaining workplace experiences. Applicants will also need to upload a recommendation letter from the person/people they will be working with during summer as part of their application. 

You will need details about the conference you intend to attend (e.g., location, dates, conference name) and a list of the travel costs that you will need and approximate cost of each.  Costs may include: airfare, hotel, conference registration, airport or hotel parking, per diem rate, required (e.g., to/from airport) transportation mileage (0.65/mile). You may use any online resource (e.g., Expedia) to estimate these travel costs for your trip but do not book travel without approval/consultation with your campus leader.